Well we are back from our trip to New Jersey/PA. It was a great two week vacation! Usually I feel a huge let down following the end of a vacation...but then I remembered this week marks my first as an official stay-at-home mom. Everyday is vacation! Well...not really...but you get the point.
Anyway..the trip was great. We started off with a visit to my parents new house and Will was able to spend some quality time with his three Aunties. And the cat and the dog. Oh my goodness does he love animals. Adam and I don't even have any. We've never taken him to a farm or a zoo (not yet anyway)...but he LOVES animals. I'm not sure the animals liked him as much..(in fact, the cat still hasn't returned since we left.)
Let's see...during this portion of the visit I was treated to another night out with my best friend Emily for our birthdays. Gigi watched Will and Mommy partied...well sort of. We were back by 10:30PM..but it was a great bar and great company. Meanwhile...Adam was attending guys weekend at the Shore with his college buddies and while I'm not exactly sure what went on there (what happens in Ocean City apparently stays in Ocean City), it sounds like they had a great time.
After that business was over, Will and I joined Adam at the Shore House. While the shore isn't exactly as relaxing as I remembered (now that Will is in the picture) I still managed to really enjoy myself. What I did find out is that Will, at this stage in his toddlerhood, does not travel as well as he used to. He had no idea where he was sleeping..so he barely slept...and he hated everytime I left the room. But what's new.
He really loved the beach..no surprise there. We spent every morning in the tidal pools digging holes and wading around. Will currently has this thing for trucks. I think its hard wired into a boys brains because I certainly didn't introduce him to trucks...but he is really into them. So he went after every truck on the beach. He wandered over to every group on the beach that had at least one truck. And this was a new area of Mommy-learning for me. Striking up conversations with other mothers who I have nothing in common with other than the fact that we both have children. Talk about awkward. Despite the fact I am an extrovert...I had no idea what to say to these women.
"Ummm..my son likes your truck."
"Can my son look at your son's truck?"
"Maybe my son can borrow your truck since I didn't know my son likes trucks so much and he only has one?"
"Maybe we can just keep your son's truck since your son hasn't played with it all morning?"
I guess I have all summer to get better at these conversations. Wish me luck!
The week ended with a wonderful 25th birthday for me. I got a jogger stroller from my parents!! Who knew at 25 I would be so excited about a jogger stroller? But really, I think this opens up all new doors for Will and I on our days of leisure. Now I can be with my baby and exercise too. What more could a mom ask for?
While I was extremely nervous about flying home alone with Will considering the last flight from Florida went horribly, he did so well. We wandered around the airport for an hour...managed to only have a 30 minutes delay (which is amazing for the Philly airport)..and once we boarded..he promptly fell asleep. And when he woke 20 minutes before landing..I stuffed him with chocolate animal crackers. It was great.
After a few days at the beach and the pool this week with Petra, Sara, and Kate, Will and I are off on our next adventure...camping! I have high expectations. We'll see how it goes...
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