Thursday, October 30, 2008

Over and Over Again

Will with his buddies at the Halloween Parade in Bev Farms

I think Will has officially begun a new phase in his toddler-dom. And that would be what I like to call the "Repeat Phase". As I have indicated in a previous post, he has mastered the idea and sign for 'more'. Now, if there is something that Will likes, he wants to do it over and over and over again. It gets pretty boring, but he is very insistent. Here are some activities he especially enjoys more of:

1. Putting on a music CD in his room: Especially the (oh so annoying) Bannaphone Song on his Around the World Playground CD.

2. Truck Book (no surprise there). If you are sitting anywhere..he will find the book and then find your lap.

3. 'Where does the sock go?' game. It doesn't go on your hand....It doesn't go on your goes on your foot!

4. Climbing into Mom's bed and hiding under the big duvet...Where's Will?..funny every time.

5. Opening and closing doors. He can now reach the doorknob and this is more fun than all the toys in the house combined.

These are just a few of the things we did over and over again today.

One thing Will does not like to do many times is put on his Monkey Halloween costume...but it's not up to him...hee hee. He has been given rave reviews at all the parties that we have been to...and Halloween isn't even until tomorrow!


brianahutch said...

yeah! finally!! save all your fun costumes for the day when we decide to have monkeys!

About Me said...

ha! I love that you are the only one who responds to my blogs. And of course you can have my costumes...but I picture you having hyeenas.