When I think back over the years since I have graduated college...I realize that I have always had a nice looong christmas break. This year was no exception. Adam took off lots of days and we headed north and south to celebrate the holiday with our families.
Oh I almost forgot to mention that Will and I attended the Christmas Eve service at Hamilton Congo together (Adam was working). I was a little nervous because they did not offer childcare, but Will had the best time stacking and unstacking the hymnals, singing, and watching all the candles being lit during silent night (while he said 'hot, hot, hot' over and over). It was a really great family-friendly service.
Will definitely got the idea of opening presents this year. He kept saying "open" for all wrapped packages..belonging to him or not. And while he was a little overwhelmed by all the gifts..I promise you that now they are open and home and he is loving each and every one. Thanks to everybody for making it such a great Christmas.
During our travels we had a chance to visit the Children's Museum in Philadelphia (Will is becoming quite the museum goer), spend time with ever family member, see the Mummers up close and personal, visit the beach, and so much more.
I learned a lot about being a mother in 2008 (there wasn't much to know in 2007 except diapers and feeding). I'm really looking forward to the new year and learning even more. Now that we are back in MA, Will and I kicked off 2009 with a trip to the Beverly YMCA. I renewed my membership prior to the holiday and included Will on it so I can bring him with me. I dropped him off in childcare (with his passy in his pocket..we're getting better about using it less) and burned calories for a half hour. It was such a great start to the morning. When I went back to pick up Will they said he was great and soo polite....even saying 'please' for a snack. So we'll be going back tomorrow :-) Free childcare and the chance to burn fat = a good time.
Hope everyone else is having a happy new year too!
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