This week I was offered to go back to Kingsley in Boston's Back Bay to work my old job! They are in transition and really needed some help. I hesitated at first because..well because a lot of reasons. But when I looked at the calendar, what to my wondering eyes did I find but Adam with almost the WHOLE WEEK OFF! So we talked about it...extra family time or extra money? With the economy stinking and Christmas coming we decided this time to go for the extra money. So with the exception of Tuesday...I am a working woman for a week!
It's not bad when your husband is your daycare. He sends me picture and video texts to keep me up to date on what Will is doing. And when I get home, I get the hour by hour break down including what went in the mouth and when it came out. So having nothing to worry about has made this really easy. And Sara pitched in with wardrobe when I realized I had nothing to wear besides jeans and trendy tshirts.
Driving into the city at 7am Monday, it all came rushing back. I pulled into my spot on Newbury Street and saw a businesswoman clutching her Starbucks coffee and savoring that first sip. After buying my own delightful beverage, I smelled the same awful fragrance of the yucky handmade soap from the boutique next door. I walked by the outdoor cafes that think heat lamps will invite diners to eat outside in November. And I caught up on the latest fashion trends during my lunch break walk (and didn't feel like a blimp this time in my old maternity clothes!).
The work itself quickly came back to me and I jumped in pretty much where I left off. And being in a temporary position has given me the wonderful opportunity to over-utilize the phrase "I'm not sure..I'm only filling in". I basically can't do anything wrong. I also completely underestimated the thrill of quickly working through a to-do list without any distractions!
But all the excitement and anticipation of a working day dies down after lunch. I miss Will and I miss my naptime. I dread the traffic on the way home and my feet hurt. I know it will be fine for this week, but this little trip 'back to work' has shown me that I know I made the right decision to stay home and I thank God that I'm able to! Now I just have to fight Adam for my stay-at-home position...I think he's getting a little too comfortable with it.
I definitely think its important to work just enough that you remember why you don't do it! (It usually doesn't take much for me to remember.)
It was SUCH a treat to have you here this week! You are the very best- you leave Kingsley this week well stocked with supplies and everything better organized.
I hope you'll be able to join our book group- you had great insights!
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