This Tuesday morning was my women's bible study at First Congregational Church of Hamilton. There are so many reasons why I love my bible study, but here are 5 I can think of now:
1. The women truly desire to fellowship with each other and want to get to know me.
2. There is an amazing program for toddlers that Will attends at the same time so I can concentrate on the study.
3. There is really really good church food (not your usual store bought cookies...think homemade pastries and fresh fruit.)
4. I am by far the youngest of the group by about 10 or 15 or 30 I am able to gain wisdom and knowledge from my older lady friends.
5. I feel that I learn at least one new thing each Tuesday morning, ensuring my Mommy brain cells aren't dying off.
So today was no exception. I enjoyed homemade blueberry bread with my ladies while Will played with play dough in the nursery. What made today special, however, was that the focus was on missions and serving...which for those of you who know me is one of my favorite church topics. Three of the women spoke about the missions work their families do both at home and overseas and I felt so inspired to make this a part of my stay-at-home life. I am not ready to fly in a plane and live in rural Africa, but I am excited to collect my spare change (found mostly in the couch) with Will and donate it to a new fence for an African Village in Chad. I can't welcome an unwed teenage mother into my small home at this time, but I can work with my small group to put together Mother's Day baskets to share with them in May. And I certainly can't travel the world this coming week and meet unreached people groups to share my life purpose, but I can purchase a Globe and learn more about the world and pray for the different countries.
I realized this morning that being a Global Christian doesn't mean moving halfway across the world. Maybe that is somewhere in my future, but for now I am enjoying finding new ways to serve with Will from my home in Danvers. If you have any other ideas for me....I'd love to hear what you think!
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