Everyone told me to wait and that Will's growing mullet of curls was actually really cute...but they didn't see the food that got caked in his hair after he ate, the sweat that formed on his neck faster than Michael Phelps in the 4X800, or the woman at the mall that asked if he was a girl (okay..she was the only one that ever made that mistake). But I make an executive mommy decision and sent Will to the hairdresser.
I guess you can't really call Snip-Its a hairdresser. I'm not sure quite how to describe it other than a big, colorful, plastic piece of real estate next to Trader Joes in Danvers. The whole inside of the "salon" was neon green and purple with accents of yellow. It was intense. Will was mesmerized. I waited in line to check in and listened to the woman in front of me gush about how great her daughters haircut turned out. I was feeling confident about everything until the girl behind the desk announced that the woman owed $98!! I panicked for a minute and then saw a sign that said that hair cuts for kids under 2 were $12. I'm still not sure exactly what this woman did to her daughters hair that made it so expensive..but I breathed a sigh of relief when I realized that the 20 in my wallet was going to be enough.
I don't even know the name of the woman that cut Will's hair. She brought him over to the big purple chair and strapped him into the seat and turned on the tv..which Will could have cared less about. She asked me what I wanted and I said just a regular cut and that he parts his hair on the side..and off she went! Things were going well until she started to cut by his ears. Then he really began to freak out. The next five minutes felt like a lifetime...but somehow she managed to finished the cut as he trashed let and right. I was pretty nervous about what it would like like, but when she took of the smock..it was so handsome!
Will definitely looks more like a big boy. I didn't purchase the special photo and frame Snip-Its sells for the first hair cut (what a rip off!) but I did take my own picture and bring a lock of hair home with me for the baby book. I think I will definitely wait a few more months before getting his hair cut again..but it was another fun 'first' I was able to experience as a mom!
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