Will and I returned this week from another great trip to NJ/PA to hang out with my family. We stopped at the shore house, the pocono house, and then the homestead in Newtown Square. While Will saw lots of the Woods family, he spent a lot of time with Granpa, Gigi, Alli, and Ben H. We both had a blast! Thank you everyone for watching Will and hanging out with us!
While on vacation, Will perfected some of his new manners. He now signs "more", created by bringing the tips of your fingers together to let us know that he wants something. AND...drum roll....he says please!! It sounds more like "peas", but it works for me. It's the cutest thing you've ever heard and its so hard to refuse such a simple request. I love being able to communicate more and better understand Will. I feel like a whole new chapter of his toddlerhood is opening up!
Will and I flew home and as always I was a little nervous about it once I arrived at the airport. We only had a very short delay which was nice. This was due to a plane hitting several birds during take-off. I guess they had to clean up the feathery mess. The flight was not a full one so I chose a seat by the window and waited to see if anyone would dare to sit with us. When the flight was almost full, a woman on the heavier side settled into the isle seat on our row. She turned to me and said, "I have purchased two seats, so feel free to use the middle seat if you need it." So we were very lucky to have extra space for Will's toys. Will played for a few minutes and then drifted off for a deep sleep for the rest of the flight. Flying right before lunch seems to be the perfect time for him. He sleeps and then if he wakes up, I give him lots of snacks.
Since we have been back we have been very busy. Yesterday Adam and I celebrated our 4th anniversary...woohoo! We commemorated the day by running a 5k together. Will stayed with some friends and we ran the race out of Lynch Park. I was pretty nervous, but it was a great experience and Adam and I were both very pleased with our personal performance. A little different than wearing a wedding dress and going to a reception..but sitll lots of fun!
Adam is at work now and Will has just settled down for a nap. We had a very busy and messy morning. I changed Will's diaper when he woke up and let him down to play. A few minutes later I saw that he had pulled his diaper off and had pooped all over the throw rug in the living room. It was soooo gross!!! I immediately put him in the bath and cleaned up the rug. The funny part was Will was really upset by the incident. He actually looked more disgusted than me! Maybe he was embarrassed..but I don't think so. Then I decided that since it wasn't raining we would head off to the playground. Well this turned out to be covered in mud from last nights rain and Will ended up in the bath again.
We are now awaiting Emily's arrival and getting excited for a fun weekend of relaxing and hanging out with her. I hope we have some beach weather tomorrow!
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